Introducing young and talented artists active in the entertainment industry, including music, film, animation, and stage.
Broadcast on July 29, 2022
Most striking artist self-produceing everything from lyrics and music composition to styling,
video and visual expression.

Doul | Artist
Artist with overwhelming individuality jumping freely from 60’s to contemporary music, fashion, and art.
Debuted in 2020 with the single "16YRS" and quickly gained national and international following with its all-English lyrics and hybrid sound. Has brought a new wind to the Japanese music scene by thoroughly producing all aspects of creativity, from songwriting to fashion coordination and music video production. In March 2022, released first full-length album "W.O.L.F" and hold first tour “ A LONE WOLF - IF YOU CAN DREAM IT THEN YOU CAN BE IT. - " in four cities across Japan. Now, looking to further focus on overseas activities.


- QTo start, tell us about how you got started with music?
- AWhen I was 12, I got myself an acoustic guitar as a present. I started playing and singing, and it felt great. Making my own music and singing along was how I got my start.
- QWhen did you first start to perform?
- AI started performing on the street when I was 14. I was performing for strangers. I liked how people would gather around. Even though I didn't know these people, they liked my sound. They became my fans. It was a really positive environment.
- QWho are your biggest musical influences?
- ALinkin Park, Kurt Donald Cobain (the band "Nirvana"). I respect Linkin Park in the 2000s as he created something new with rock and hip-hop and the culture of mixtures. I love Kurt Donald Cobain, from his fashion to his humanity.
- QYou also make your own music videos. Can you tell us about that process?
- AWhen I make music videos or shoot various profiles, I basically direct everything, edit, and create the images. Feel like I am producing.
- QYou're super fit. Do you do any sports or special training?
- AMartial arts. Basically, I like to work out and I train my body every day.
- QYou use English lyrics in your music. Why is that?
- AI grew up listening to western music. When I decided I wanted to make music, English was what came out first. For me, English is easy to put into sound,
- QWhat sort of feelings or emotions go into your music?
- ABasically, I write songs based on what comes out of my experiences. I also think about how I want to perform live, how I want to sing in these situations, and how I want to make music videos.
- QWhat are your goals for the future?
- ADefinitely going global. I want to perform and go wild in front of a more and more people.
- QFinally, do you have a message for our viewers?
- AI hope to meet all of you at my concert soon! Thanks so much.