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Infotainment show featuring young artists full of talent with unique sense of “Japan.” Supporting Japanese artists having the potential to make the world their stage in in various fields like music, movies, animation, manga, art, fashion, kabuki, dance, and live performances.

This is a place that
opens doors to the world.

When was this planet born,
where did people come from,
when did the entertainment business start...

In 2021, the whole world was fighting against an unknown, invisible opponent, COVID-19.
We went through chaos, quarantine, self-restraint, lockdown...
Probably it was the first time the entire human race confronted a single challenge beyond language.
Also, It was an opportunity for us to interpret ourselves.

In 2022, the way of communication changes dramatically. Entertainment also needs to change.

It's been 90 years since the first TV broadcast, 30 years since the Internet came into our lives, and 15 years since YouTube was born.
In just a century, the methods of visual communication have evolved remarkably. 
Now, the individual has become the media, and the individual's existence can influence the world.
Ten years from now, we will see further evolution, which is easy to imagine.

How will entertainment change in the midst of the video content springing up from around the world?
And, what should Japanese entertainment be like?
As the world is building up a new style, this "J-Entertainment” project is planned to encourage Japanese artists with global talents leading the future.

We sincerely hope that this program will contribute to the future development of entertainment.