Presenting up-and-coming dancers from various genres such as contemporary and hip-hop in the opening video.
(Introduced in the opening video in the program)
Broadcast on September 30, 2022
Broadcast on January 27, 2023
To dance is to live,
to breathe.

Mizumura Rina | Contemporary dancer, Choreographer
Has performed in numerous venues, mainly in the visual media and fashion industry. Also, has appeared in music videos for numerous artists, including Aimer, Lowest Lowest Girl, Radwimps, and WagakkiBand.
At live shows and music programs, not only does own performance but also is in charge of the choreography of the artists as well as the choreography of the backup dancers. Also choreographed for evian's original Bon-Odori dance and the promotional movie for the luxury brand TOD'S. Beautiful and timeless choreography has been well-received.
Has also been featured as a model in advertisements for New Balance, Zoff, and jewelry brands, expanding her activities beyond the boundaries of the dance and fashion industries.
Has recently launched the dancewear brand "OFF POSE" to develop items that combine functionality and design from a dancer's point of view.

Opening Performance Video

This is a journey to find charms of Japan and Tokyo.
My body naturally begins to dance while feeling the energy in Asakusa, downtown Tokyo from old times.

Believing in the sound of your beating heart
Be yourself to challenge the future

- QHow did you become an artist?
- ABecause I have learned the joy of expression, the pleasure of creation and the richness of sharing.
- QWhat is the most important thing you value most as an artist?
- AIndescribable feelings and intuition within me.
- QDo you have a message for people around the world?
- ALove yourself. For me, to dance is to love myself. I believe those who can love themselves will be able to love others and create a chain of peace.